Improving Quality of Life
RISE Services, Inc. is a full-service development disability center serving St. Charles County and the surrounding areas. We embrace adults with brain traumas, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and cognitive disabilities, guiding them as they grow and achieve personal goals. Contact us today to learn more about our day service programs for adults with disabilities.
Contact Us
Custom-Tailored Services for St. Charles County Residents
The RISE team believes in supporting the whole person as individuals with several distinct needs. For that reason, we offer supported employment and day support programs for adults with disabilities. Our staff works with people who have learning disabilities, behavioral challenges, and adults living with head trauma. Our needs-based approach delivers specific solutions and resources to help clients continually grow.
Day Programs, Job Coaching And Support Services
- In our Adult Day Programs, clients learn critical life skills, practice self-management strategies, and build friendships with staff and colleagues.
- Our employment services for adults with disabilities assist individuals with setting employment goals, discovering their job interests, searching for local employment, and celebrating with them and supporting them when they are hired.
- With our support services program, we provide adaptive equipment grants, counseling for clients and their families, therapy, and in-home support for adults with developmental disabilities.
Why Choose RISE?
- All services are available at our main facility near St. Charles County.
- We are supported by local agencies, generous donors, and the community at large.
- Our goal for each of our clients is to lead a life of independence, self-sufficiency, and fulfillment.
- We are proud of our track record for success and how we provide personalized treatment plans based on each individual’s needs.
- Our compassionate and professional staff members have a positive impact on the growth and success of our clients.

We Empower And Equip Adults With Disabilities
Through our all-inclusive day programs for adults with disabilities, we help our clients reach their maximum potential as they work hard for their own independence. Contact us today to discover more about our services for residents of St. Charles in St. Charles County, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Jefferson County, Franklin County, Lincoln County, Warren County, and all surrounding areas.